Services That Enhance the
Wellbeing of Your Team

Service Program Offering

What is coaching?

Working with a coach is an investment in, with an expected return on, one’s life. People are realizing it just makes good sense to have the assistance of someone who’s non-judgmental, a good listener, and capable of thinking “outside the box” to help make their lives more manageable and enjoyable.

The coaching relationship between the coach and the client is a partnership. This alliance is what makes coaching so powerful.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF):

“Coaching focuses on visioning, success, the present and moving toward the future. Therapy emphasizes psychopathology, emotions and the past to understand the present, and it works more with developing skills for managing emotions or past issues than does coaching".

Think Tanks

Does your company want to create your own customizable think tank retreat? Allow our team of coaching professionals to help you create a think tank weekend for your company. Private accommodation, 5- star chef, immersive experiences customized to your goals.

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Wellness Resources

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Mindfulness and Wellness in the Workspace

What can we incorporate into the work space to create a more supportive environment? Stress free zones, noise canceling meditation spaces. Aroma therapy, color and texture as resources for calming and to support creative thinking. Access to alternative therapies like, yoga, tai chi, reiki, immersive spaces, such as rooms that can support a reset of the nervous system during the day.

Benefits of Offering Wellness Resources in Your Company

Offering wellness resources to employees can improve overall health and well-being of individuals, while also benefiting organizations through increased productivity, job satisfaction and retention. Employees that feel physically and mentally well are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work. Offering wellness can demonstrate to employees that their employers care about their well-being, which can increase both job satisfaction and loyalty. When employees feel supported and valued they are more likely to stay with their employer over the long term.

Executive and Employee Retreats

The Collab offers unique and customized retreats for their clients. Whether it is for team building, training, growth development, project focused, or just wellness we can create the right retreat space and activities that will provide a fulfilling and rewarding experience for their employees.

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Interested in Joining The Collab as a Coach

Join The Collab's Coaching Network

Why join our coaching network?

The Collab is not just a directory of coaches, it's a place where clients can connect and find coaches that match their needs.

Benefits of Joining The Collab

– Social media marketing
– Advertising and sales
– Individualized profiles
– Exposure to extensive client list